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Tetris Tetris - LX
Minesweeper (Misel) Minesweeper - Misel
Minesweeper (LX) Minesweeper - LX
Memory Memory - Misel
Sokoban Sokoban - Misel
SameGame SameGame - LX
LightsOut Lights Out - LX

Here you can see the best players of those games that work together with our highscore system.

Every time one of these games is over you will see a button saying Submit Score. If you want to do so just click the button. Then you have to type in a name and a password (this is to assure that nobody except of you can update your score later). If your score was good enough you can see your name in the list afterwards.

Every player exists only once in the same list. If you achieve a better score later you can always update your entry by submitting your score again and entering the right name and appropriate password. If your score wasn't as good as the last one don't worry, your old score will be kept until you reach a better one.